Emily’s story
Emily Kent was a quiet, gentle little girl. From the age of two Emily started to fall over, was reluctant to walk too far and seemed a little unsteady at times. Following an eye test, Emily was referred to an eye specialist who advised that a scan was required.
On 8th December 1994, Emily had her scan and was immediately admitted to Frenchay Hospital where she was diagnosed with a medulloblastoma in the back of her brain. The prognosis was never good and the cancer spread down her spine. To relieve the pressure a shunt was fitted in the front of her head. However, she never managed to walk again.
At Christmas 1994, Emily began chemotherapy at the Bristol Children’s Hospital and her parents, Julie and Bernard Kent, were warned that there were no assurances as to how her little body would react.
For six long months, with only short spells at home, they spent most of their time in hospital while Emily had treatment at either Bristol or Gloucester. Emily was three years old and trialling some stem cell treatment in Bristol when she died on 15th June 1995 with Julie and Bernard by her side.